Water Based Fixer Additives

We have water-based fixer additive that is used to have a better dry-wet and washing fastness with water-based printing pastes on textile printing. Contains no formaldehyde.
EVERTEX INK INTERNATION has a formaldehyde-free cross-linking agent that vastly improves the wash and crock fastness of the garment. Our fixer is particularly useful where dryers have insufficient dwell time or when reduced curing temperatures are necessary to avoid color migration. Add up to 5% maximum, by weight, to your water-based inks. It can be added to ink without affecting performance, over 5% may increase the hand (softness). Minimum curing recommendation – 90 seconds at 165°C.
Use with care.

We have two type of fixer one is regular fixer and one is nylon fixer for denim print. 

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